Puppy Toilet Training
Dog Training In Singapore > Puppy Toilet Training
Why Potty Training a Puppy Is Difficult At Times
Let's Start From The Beginning
Where to do their business is the first thing that pet owners want to teach their puppies.
Without good toilet training habits, it is difficult to enjoy quality time with your pup. You’ll always be worrying about your puppy soiling the house or be frustrated from having to clean up after it all the time.
Thus, a puppy needs to know when and where to eliminate. The key to success with toilet training is preventing accidents from happening in the first place. Setting the right habits from the start is critical.
Once the puppy develops the habit of peeing or pooping in the wrong place, it is harder to break. That’s why our puppy toilet training classes focus on helping you create a schedule and environment that sets your pup up for success.
We’ll also teach you how to read your pup’s body language so you can take them out before they have to relieve themselves. If your puppy has already developed the habit of doing its business at home, fret not. We can still help!
Key Tips on Potty Training For Puppies
Start As Soon As You Can
Habits are hard to break so we want to build the right ones and prevent the bad ones from the start!
Establish A Routine
The routine and structure helps the puppy understand when is the right time to pee or poo. It also reduces the chance accidents in the house.
Prevent Accidents
The more times the puppy pees or poos in the wrong place, the strong the habit will become. Set up an environment to reduce the chance of that happening.
Give Your Puppy Feedback
Reward your puppy after it does its business in the correct place and correct it when has made a mistake.
My puppy won't
pee outside...
Puppies pee and poo in the place they feel comfortable. If your puppy doesn’t pee outside, it might be because it is a new environment and it is feeling a little nervous outside.
Bring it out as often as you can to get him more familiar with the environment. However, most puppies can hold their pee for a long time and the 30-minute walk is not sufficient.
Give your puppy plenty of food and water and plan a relaxing brunch at a dog friendly cafe. As your puppy builds the urgency to pee or poo, it will be motivated to do it outside.
My puppy pees inside my house after going outside
Some puppies, especially males at a certain age, might pee again indoors after bringing them out. This might be because it did not eliminate completely while on its walk.
Make sure you designate enough time for it to do so. Some puppies, especially during adolescence, do that to mark their territories.
The course of action is then obedience training and behavioral correction instead of a schedule adjustment.
Consult us to know exactly what the problem is!
Our Training Methodology
For Puppy Toilet Training
Our experience tells us if this is a straightforward toilet training program or a bigger issue like lack of obedience training or health conditions. Knowing these factors allows us to choose the right training method for your puppy.
We’ll teach you how to set up the environment, schedule and protocols to get the best results in the fastest time.
We’ll teach you when and how to reward or correct your puppy when it pees or poos. You’ll see the results and feel a sense satisfaction.
Active K9 Academy is a dog training school that aims to bring out the full potential of every dog so they can happily explore the world every day.
Our mission is to promote healthy, happy and active lifestyles for dogs and their owners and we do so by helping owners achieve their dogs’ behavioural goals and by educating the general public about dog and pet ownership.
The Active K9 Academy training school is located conveniently in the central region of Singapore at 360 Tanjong Katong Road.
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Professional Trainers
Practical Training
We strive to make training as fun and interesting as possible. Who likes a boring teacher?
Our ultimate goal is happiness and satisfaction for you and your dog. Let’s be a team!